We train skill sets from various martial arts with Filipino Kali and Silat predominating. I call it MASS training, Martial Arts Skill Sets. I’ll tell you which art or practice what you’re doing comes from. If you like something you may want to go elsewhere to learn more of that, that’s ok.
  • It’s not Sport Based, so you don’t have to compete or “beat” anyone. It’s personal development based, and self defense oriented.
  • It’s not for Children,16 with parents approval, 18 and up. Currently my students are in their 40’s through 70’s.
  • It’s not athletic or fitness based. Fitness is important, you may need to outrun an attacker. I don’t run a killer conditioning class. You won’t have the luxury of a warmup and stretching during an assault or ambush, you’ll need to act as you are with what you have. It’s geared to the average person, it’s a thinking person’s martial arts training.
  • Time: 10AM Saturday Mornings. But call to confirm before coming, sometimes we train off location, outdoors, sometimes we reschedule.
    Place: Black Lightning Martial Arts in Debary, Fl
    Fee: $15 per session

    Instructor reserves the right to decline anyone’s participation at any time. This is serious stuff, not for play, not for people with a bad attitude or unsavory character.  I make that determination.


“All consciousness... (366/286 Oct. 12, 2012)

(Photo credit: ConnectIrmeli)

“There isn’t a moment that you are standing in that you are not wanting improvement.”  Abraham.

For me, it’s true.  I always want improvement, and that’s just on the conscious side, I bet it’s true subconsciously as well.  I do want improvement, in my health, my skills and abilities, my car, my finances, my environment.

That innate desire brings with it to my mind two challenges.  The first is a call to action, do what it takes to improve; make the phone call, do the exercise, make money, manage and increase wealth.  Most often it’s a matter of stop talking and start doing.  Seems as if beginning to act on the desire to improve is in itself an improvement.  The second challenge is a bizarre self doubt; you should be content with where you are and what you have, wanting more is selfish and greedy, therefore sinful, striving is painful and sometimes pointless.

They are contradictory forces.  Which is “right?”  I try to  draw wisdom for living from many sources, past and present, without letting one source exclude the others to my detriment.  In this case I’ll use  biblical references and paraphrase off the top.

Those who ask, receive; those who seek, find; to those who knock, for them it shall be opened.


For those who have,  more shall be given, and they will have an abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has shall be taken away from him.

I think this last one is related to what is called the parable of the talents.  In all, I take these to mean that improvement, the desire for improvement, and especially acting on the desire is godly, and the self doubt part is not.  Plus, there’s the danger that by not asking, seeking, knocking for more or better, even what you think you have and are content with, may be lost.

Be well.